Dispatcher Center.

Dedicated platform for a safer everywhere.

Everything starts with safety

Our platform will combine all your voice feeds in the dispatcher center to ensure an overreaching perspective that helps your team make decisions with greater focus, certainty and speed.

  • GPS Asset Tracking.
  • S.O.S. Emergency Alerts.
  • Priority Communications.

Computer applications that makes dispatching a simple task.

What can you do with a dispatcher license:

  • Group Chat with all portable radios.
  • Track radios with GPS active.
  • Manage S.O.S Alerts.
  • Web Browser Interface for PC Browsers.
  • Ability to use iPad and Android applications.
  • GPS/SOS Features available
  • Private/Private-Public Group Access

Connect for improved safety and security

Our dispatcher center software connects and optimizes activities to detect and analyze unusual events, seamlessly communicate and respond appropriately in any situation.

radios from talk2 me

Project Coordination

Count on dispatcher center software for project safety to deliver clarity and simplicity to decisions with actionable intelligence and streamlined, collaborative workflows.


Enterprise Applications

Applications for every device to strengthen and streamline security operations to keep teams safe and organizations efficient, productive and secure.

Team working together. Group of young modern men in formalwear analyzing stock market data while working in the office

Office Management

Manage individuals, vendors and public safety organizations to enhance cooperation and seamlessly share information to help keep everyone safer and more informed.